Bizzy Buzzy Bee, open arms, smiling.

Ace The Horse Activities


Research different types of horses. Involve the children by asking them to bring in pictures from home. Create a graph of the different types of horses.


Explore the opportunity of visiting a horse riding venue/sanctuary in your area.


Discuss what horses may eat? If you have access to a horse centre, collect leftover fruit and vegetables to donate to the centre.


Ask a staff member or family member to share their own experiences of riding horses with the children.


Create a giant collage picture of the most colourful horse you can think of to hang on the wall in your centre.


Introduce farm animals figurines and books into the home corner area to promote imaginative play based around the story.


Using recycled materials make a classroom statue of a horse.


Have a class discussion about how different animals can help soothe and calm people. Examples include:  rescue dogs, dogs for the blind, companion animals, etc.

Bizzy Buzzy Bee Activities


Working with your classmates, research the role of the bees in nature. Perhaps you could display your findings in a life cycle


Sit quietly outside in your garden or a park. Think about the "buzzing" sound that bees make. What other insect or animal sounds can you hear?


Bees love flowers. Create your own flower garden inside or outside the classroom. Observe the plants and flowers as they grow and discuss the changes that can be seen each week.


Consider purchasing a beehive. Observe the bees and process that is involved in making honey. Use photos or drawings to document what you see.


Create a bee art work. Suggestions include making a giant bee using paper mache or a bee collage from recycled materials and fabrics scraps.


Think about the story and the objects that came up in the story that started with the letter "B" - is there any other items you can make a list of that start with the letter "B".


Sing the Bizzy Buzzy Bee Song and create a dance to go with it. Bees communicate by shaking their tails and moving in a zig zag pattern. Maybe your dance can include moving around the room in a similar way and flapping your arms to fly like a bee your very own Waggle Dance!


Create a classroom story-book with the adventures the children imagine the bee will go encounter next, and where it could travel too.

Deedely Dee Activities


Plan an excursion to visit a local lake or pond.


Play the Deedely Dee song and make up some actions to go with the words. Put on a performance of the song for another class, or for your friends or family.


Write a shopping list of foods that Deedely Dee needs to find to feed her family?

eg. worms. algae.


Imagine you could see Deedely Dee foraging for food. What animals and insects do you think she would find? Draw a picture of a pond with Deedely Dee and the food she has found.


Do you know how to walk like a duck? Play a game with your friends to see who can waddle the furthest.


Create a pond using a bucket and some water. Place different objects into the imaginary pond to see what sinks or floats on the water.


Use playdough or clay to make your own duck or duckling. Then give it a name.


Look around your classroom or outside in the playground for items that begin with the letter 'D.' Make a list of all the items you discover.

Donny Dolphin Activities


Make a list of all the animals that could belong in the ocean with Donny?


Participate in World Ocean Day as a class/centre. What could you discuss and pledge to do to help?


At circle time discuss, 'Things you could find in the ocean that would be harmful to dolphins and other marine animals.
Ask the children to suggest ways they can help change this to protect the animals?


Plan an excursion and participate in a 'Clean Up' day at a local waterway/beach.


Ask the children to imagine and create new stories and ocean adventures for the dolphin and marine animals. Make them into a classroom book to read at story time.


Make a class graph of the different sizes of the animals in the ocean. How do they compare in size to humans?


Ask a guest speaker or family member to come in and chat with the children about the experiences at sea. What animals did they see? Perhaps they have snorkelled or scuba dived?


Listen to ocean music with the children and meditate to these sounds. After the meditation ask the children what animals sounds they could hear?

Fuzzy Wuzzy Activities


Prepare an outdoor picnic lunch like the one Fuzzy Wuzzy had with the Imagineland kids. You could have Teddy Bear's Picnic and bring your own bear.


Play a game of catch with your friends outside. Practice throwing and catching different size balls.


Create your own miniature forest scene using recycled materials and some plants. A backdrop could be in the colours of your forest. What other items could you include?


Fuzzy Wuzzy made new friends with the Imagineland kids. Draw or paint a portrait of this happy group of friends.


Play a game of hide and seek outside with your friends. Imagine you are in the forest hiding from Alex, Sofia, Dan and Amy. Will they find your hiding spot?


Plan an excursion to a nature reserve, forest or wooded area close to where you live.


Learn Fuzzy Wuzzy's song. Create some actions to go with the words. After you have practiced, perform a version of the song for your friends and family.


Create masks of how Fuzzy Wuzzy was feeling at different points in the story. Eg. sad, lonely and happy. Use the masks to role play Fuzzy Wuzzy's story.

Gangly And Gorgeous Activities


Create a class poster of different types of animals that you may find in Africa.


Listen to some African music. Create a dance by moving your body to the rhythm and beat of the music.


Take the children outside and pretend they are tall like Gangly and Gorgeous. Play a game of 'I Spy.' What do you think you can see when you are as tall as a giraffe?


Imagine the sand pit/play area is the savannah. Introduce some plastic animal figurines. Have the children create different scenarios of what could happen in the savannah.


Gangly and Gorgeous are great friends and take care of one another. At circle time, discuss and make a list of the ways you can be a good friend and show you care about each other.


Animals who live in the jungle need to stay safe and take care of each other. Have the children complete the 'hand' task. On each finger name a person who they could call for help if they were feeling unsafe or in any danger.


Plant a fruit tree in your garden. Watch as the fruit grows. Once it is ready to eat, you can pick the fruit like Gangly and Gorgeous.


Make a kindness board identifying acts of kindness. Each day children select a card from the board to complete.

Gnomes From Gnomeland Activities


For a group discussion. Apart from the Gnomes in Gnomeland, has anyone seen a garden gnome? Where? In your garden or in your neighbourhood? Perhaps take a walk in the local area and see how many garden gnomes you can spot?


The Gnomes from Gnomeland like to keep fit and healthy. Create a fit and healthy program to be followed indoors or outdoors.


Nicky Gnome likes performing magic tricks. What magic trick would you like to learn and practise to do.


Listen to the beat of the music and the words 'left, right.' Can you clap or march to this beat? What other patterns/beats can you create?


The Gnomes from Gnomeland like playing games. Can you play 'hide and seek' with your classmates outside?


As a class or in small groups, create your own gnome using collage materials. What colours will your gnome be? How will they look?


Plant a community garden. Ask families to donate a gnome to live in the garden. Perhaps fairies could live there too.


Create Gnome Finger Puppets. Use these as props in role play and creative play.

Hairy Herby Activities


Use your imagination and draw the inside of Hairy Herby's home.


Create your own bug-catcher. Go outside and use it to find insects in their habitats.


Draw some of the insects that you discovered in their habitat or home. Eg. a spider in a web.


Make a home for an insect using the natural resources you have collected outside. Eg. leaves, bark, etc.


Work as a team to make a bug hotel. Use recycled materials that you have collected.


Become a Habitat Helper. Organise a visit to a local park so you can pick up and dispose of rubbish that is harmful to the enviroment.


Research insects to understand their job in the environment. Eg. Look at the opportunity to purchase a beehive/keeper pack.


Start a worm farm using food scraps. You can use the worm liquid to fertilise your vegetable patch or garden.

Kangy The Surfer Activities


Research what type of animal Kangy is and where he comes from. Make a wall chart of other animals native to Kangy's country of origin.


Kangy speaks about being safe at the beach. In circle time (group time) discuss other places where safety is important. Examples include: crossing the road, riding your bike, cyber safety and issues around stranger danger.


Can you hop and jump like a kangaroo? Practice outdoors and see who can hop and jump the fastest.


In the sandpit, create your own sand experience of a day at the beach. Use props to show where you would need to swim to remain safe.


Create a plan of ways you can practise being safe. Display the plan in the classroom or in another area of the community. For example, make your own pedestrian crossing and then practice looking left and right prior to crossing.


Colour in/create a collage of your favourite things to do at the beach.


Have a sand castle building competition.


Create your own 'sun safety' dance using the music of the Kangy the Surfer song!

Pompey The Pelican Activities


Create a dance to go with the Pompey The Pompous Pelican song. Can you strut and stretch like a pelican?


Pelicans live near waterways. Can you research and create a list/collage of all the things that pelicans eat?


Pompey has a lot of things to say. Does he work well with his friends? Have a circle time to talk about how you can work together to achieve successful outcomes.


Pompey is proud of himself. What is something that you are proud of? In a circle time, discuss this and how it made you feel.


Role play the story of Pompey The Pelican by acting out the events.


Colour in Pompey masks and use these in your role play.


Have a circle time and discuss different traits and emotions and how these make us feel. Eg. Being proud, confident, adventurous, shy, etc.


Close your eyes while listening to the story. What other noises can you hear in the background? Share these with your friends.

Rexzy Rabbit Activities


Rexzy lives underground with his wife Rosie. Research and discuss with your class what other animals live underground.


Rexzy was thinking about choosing to eat something that was not good for him. As a class, discuss the different types of food we eat. There's sometimes food - what are they? Good for you food - discuss these. And not so good food choices - name these? Use the healthy food pyramid to promote discussion.


Take your healthy lunches outside for a picnic on the grass like Rexzy did with the Imagineland kids.


Make and colour rabbit masks and role play Rexzy and Rosie.


Share as a class group at circle time how you have helped a friend make a good choice. Eg. The Imagineland kids explained to Rexzy that what he thought was an egg was a golf ball and not something you would choose to eat.


Rabbits like to hop. Practice hopping and then have a hopping race outside. What else could you do to get your body moving? Eg. Jumping, running and skipping races.


Rexzy likes carrots. Plant some carrots in your outdoor garden or in a pot. Use them in a salad as a healthy food option.


Plan an excursion and invite a vet or animal worker to come and chat with the children about caring for rabbits and small pets like guinea pigs.

Roley Poley Activities


Design and make a championship medal or trophy. This can be given to a friend once they achieve a goal they have been working towards.


Work as a group to construct an obstacle course, or create a new sport, like Roley did. Have fun practising this new activity until you feel confident about learning.


Find a hilly area close to where you live and try rolling down the different hills around where you are. Some will be steeper than others, which will affect how fast you roll.


Roley Poley made friends with the Imagineland kids. He also taught them a new skill. Paint or draw Roley and his new friends rolling down the hill together.


Learn a new skill, sport or hobby. Teach your new friends, so they can share in the fun of learning something new and develop their own skills. Just like Roley Poley and Moley Poley did with the Imagineland kids.


In a group, or with a friend, use a timing device (eg. stopwatch) to measure how long it takes each person to complete a specific activity. Eg. Rolling down a hill, hopping from one point to another.


Listen to Roley Poley's song and create some actions to go with it. Perform the song for another group of children or families.


Apart from rolling down hills, what else could Roley Poley be a champion of? Create your own story about this. Eg. Perhaps Roley Poley is a champion at eating fruit salad or digging holes under the ground.

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